40 Days for Life

40 Days for Life

Fall campaign 2018

 Wed. Sept. 26 thru Sun. Nov.4

7:00 a.m.--7:00 p.m. daily


We are praying at the right-of-way outside of

Planned Parenthood at 201 N. Hamilton in Richmond


Area churches are taking one day of the campaign and staffing it with parishioners to ensure prayer coverage

Saturday, October 27 is

Saint Bridget’s Day

Please consider committing to one hour of prayer on this day either at the vigil site outside of Planned Parenthood,

in church, or in your home.  Of course, you are welcome to pray anytime during this campaign!


Our goal is to have 24+ parishioners signed up.

Your prayers make a difference!  Thank you.


  For more info go to: 40daysforlife.com/Richmond

Or contact Darius at dmyaz@verizon.net



We pray for…

 *An End to Abortion…

(14,643 lives saved that we know of

since 40 Days for Life began in 2007)

*The conversion of abortion workers…(abbyjohnson.org)


*Healing of those hurt by abortion… (rachelsvineyard.org,



*The continued success of

our pregnancy resource centers -



