Our February Saturday meeting will be Saturday, February 5, at 7:00 am, in the parish hall (basement).
We will start at 7:00 AM and finish by 7:55 AM so guys can attend Mass at 8:00 AM
The following will be our points for discussion from Practical Theology by Peter Kreeft..
Point 165 Order and Hierarchy of Love in Heaven.
Order of charity is derived from nature; therefore, this order of charity will endure in heaven.
“We will maintain these differences in Heaven, both objective (lovability, goodness) and subjective (personal passion).”
Discussion: Expression of love during our spiritual journey and the continuation uniqueness of our love in heaven.
“Everyone will be the very best at one thing: being his or her unique self, a goal no one else can ever achieve.”
Points 157 thru 164 Order of charity in our lives:
Self Point 158 Loving Your Body Point 160 Self Love
Spouse Point 164 Love of Spouse Compared with Love of Self
Children Point 163 Love of Parents Compared with Love of Children
Friends Point 166 Loving of Enemies vs. Loving Friends
Good men more than bad men Point 159 Loving Sinners, Hating Sin
Point 161 How to Love Enemies
Point 162 Love’s Two Dimensions
Discussion: a) reflections on love in our relationships, b) sharing thoughts on any different perspectives – new insights.
Points 167 The Secret of Joy and 168 The Fullness of Joy
“A twofold joy in God arises from charity. One, the more excellent, is proper to charity (alone), and with this joy we rejoice in the divine good considered in itself.”
“The other is the joy of charity whereby we rejoice in the divine good as participated by us.”
Discussion: The principle – that love of neighbor multiplies sorrows as well as joys.
“Yet … this perfectly full joy is not taken into man but, on the contrary, man enters into it, according to Matthew 25:21: Enter into the joy of thy Lord…”
“Each one’s joy will be full with regard to himself because his desire will be fully set at rest. Yet one’s joy will be greater than another’s on account of a fuller participation of the divine happiness.”
Discussion: a) God, is infinite and inexhaustible, while our appreciation of enjoyment is finite, b) in heaven enjoyment will be constantly new.
Points 169 Peace and 170 Virtue and Peace.
“Thus, peace is the unity (1) between ourselves and God, (2) within ourselves, and (3) between ourselves and others.”
“Love is the essential act of the will. Only love (charity) can effect these three unions.”
Discussion: a) What is peace and b) how do we attain it?
“Heavenly peace is the only thing in human life that is never boring, even in eternity, because this peace is caused by love, the true love of charity; and that love, even in this life, is the only thing that never gets boring.”
You can purchase the book at:
The Catholic Company - https://www.catholiccompany.com/practical-theology-350-ways-your-mind-can-help-you-become-a-saint-i79986/
or at Amazon - https://www.amazon.com/Practical-Theology-Spiritual-Direction-Aquinas/dp/1586179683/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3FJGW0G4LYK2X&dchild=1&keywords=practical+theology+peter+kreeft&qid=1610326011&sprefix=practical+theology+peter+%2Caps%2C142&sr=8-1
Thanks to Steve S for volunteering to facilitate our February meeting.
Thanks to Steve G for facilitating our January meeting!
Email lshadowen@aol.com to volunteer to facilitate a meeting!