April Meeting - Saturday April 2, 7:00 am

Our April Saturday meeting will be April 2, at 7:00 am, in the parish hall (basement).

We will start at 7:00 AM and finish by 7:55 AM so guys can attend Mass at 8:00 AM

The following will be our points for discussion from Practical Theology by Peter Kreeft.

Chapters 171 – 190

 You can purchase the book at:

The Catholic Company - https://www.catholiccompany.com/practical-theology-350-ways-your-mind-can-help-you-become-a-saint-i79986/

or at Amazon - https://www.amazon.com/Practical-Theology-Spiritual-Direction-Aquinas/dp/1586179683/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3FJGW0G4LYK2X&dchild=1&keywords=practical+theology+peter+kreeft&qid=1610326011&sprefix=practical+theology+peter+%2Caps%2C142&sr=8-1

Thanks to Andrew for volunteering to facilitate our April meeting.

Thanks to Steve S for facilitating our February meeting!

Email lshadowen@aol.com to volunteer to facilitate a meeting!

April Meeting - Saturday April 2, 7:00 am

Our April Saturday meeting will be April 2, at 7:00 am, in the parish hall (basement).

We will start at 7:00 AM and finish by 7:55 AM so guys can attend Mass at 8:00 AM

The following will be our points for discussion from Practical Theology by Peter Kreeft.

Chapters 171 – 190

 You can purchase the book at:

The Catholic Company - https://www.catholiccompany.com/practical-theology-350-ways-your-mind-can-help-you-become-a-saint-i79986/

or at Amazon - https://www.amazon.com/Practical-Theology-Spiritual-Direction-Aquinas/dp/1586179683/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3FJGW0G4LYK2X&dchild=1&keywords=practical+theology+peter+kreeft&qid=1610326011&sprefix=practical+theology+peter+%2Caps%2C142&sr=8-1

Thanks to Andrew for volunteering to facilitate our April meeting.

Thanks to Steve S for facilitating our February meeting!

Email lshadowen@aol.com to volunteer to facilitate a meeting!

April Meeting - Saturday April 2, 7:00 am

Our April Saturday meeting will be April 2, at 7:00 am, in the parish hall (basement).

We will start at 7:00 AM and finish by 7:55 AM so guys can attend Mass at 8:00 AM

The following will be our points for discussion from Practical Theology by Peter Kreeft.

Chapters 171 – 190

 You can purchase the book at:

The Catholic Company - https://www.catholiccompany.com/practical-theology-350-ways-your-mind-can-help-you-become-a-saint-i79986/

or at Amazon - https://www.amazon.com/Practical-Theology-Spiritual-Direction-Aquinas/dp/1586179683/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3FJGW0G4LYK2X&dchild=1&keywords=practical+theology+peter+kreeft&qid=1610326011&sprefix=practical+theology+peter+%2Caps%2C142&sr=8-1

Thanks to Andrew for volunteering to facilitate our April meeting.

Thanks to Steve S for facilitating our February meeting!

Email lshadowen@aol.com to volunteer to facilitate a meeting!

March 9 Recollection

Our March Evening of Recollection for Men will be this Wednesday, March 9th at St. Bridget Richmond. 6PM

Lenten Shrine Pilgrimage—March 5


I have reserved Saturday, March 5 for our Shrine trip this year. Details are still being worked out, but the general itinerary will be the same one you are familiar with from years past ( tour, Confessions available, Mass, private prayer/bookstore, Stations of the Cross).

Since we are dealing with ever changing District of Columbia COVID-19 regulations, we will need to decide as we get closer to the trip about lunch at The Dubliner ( I’m fully aware that is probably the reason some of you go on the trip, so I’m hopeful).

We will plan to depart by carpool again if folks are comfortable with that approach. You are of course welcome to meet us up there, people have done that in the past as well. I’m also planning to invite the Men of St. Joseph from St. Edward’s, who have joined us in the past.

Departure will be at 6:30 a.m., from the front parking lot @ St. Bridget, hoping to arrive with time to spare before the 9:00 a.m. tour. The cafeteria is currently closed, so bring your own coffee. We try to get back in time for the Vigil Mass on Saturday, but we are usually cutting it pretty close. Of course, that will depend on whether we have lunch up in DC or not and traffic conditions.

If you want to go on the pilgrimage, please email me at ckoz654@aol.com and include your mobile phone contact info. Also, let me know if you want to be a driver and, if so, how many people you can fit comfortably in your vehicle.

Have a great weekend!

Mike K.

Lenten Shrine Pilgrimage—March 5


I have reserved Saturday, March 5 for our Shrine trip this year. Details are still being worked out, but the general itinerary will be the same one you are familiar with from years past ( tour, Confessions available, Mass, private prayer/bookstore, Stations of the Cross).

Since we are dealing with ever changing District of Columbia COVID-19 regulations, we will need to decide as we get closer to the trip about lunch at The Dubliner ( I’m fully aware that is probably the reason some of you go on the trip, so I’m hopeful).

We will plan to depart by carpool again if folks are comfortable with that approach. You are of course welcome to meet us up there, people have done that in the past as well. I’m also planning to invite the Men of St. Joseph from St. Edward’s, who have joined us in the past.

Departure will be at 6:30 a.m., from the front parking lot @ St. Bridget, hoping to arrive with time to spare before the 9:00 a.m. tour. The cafeteria is currently closed, so bring your own coffee. We try to get back in time for the Vigil Mass on Saturday, but we are usually cutting it pretty close. Of course, that will depend on whether we have lunch up in DC or not and traffic conditions.

If you want to go on the pilgrimage, please email me at ckoz654@aol.com and include your mobile phone contact info. Also, let me know if you want to be a driver and, if so, how many people you can fit comfortably in your vehicle.

Have a great weekend and don’t forget the food drive this Saturday morning!

Mike K.

April Meeting - Saturday April 2, 7:00 am NO MARCH SATURDAY MEETING

No March Saturday Meeting

Lenten Shrine Pilgrimage Saturday March 5 - See separate email

Our April Saturday meeting will be April 2, at 7:00 am, in the parish hall (basement).

We will start at 7:00 AM and finish by 7:55 AM so guys can attend Mass at 8:00 AM

The following will be our points for discussion from Practical Theology by Peter Kreeft.

Chapters 171 – 190

 You can purchase the book at:

The Catholic Company - https://www.catholiccompany.com/practical-theology-350-ways-your-mind-can-help-you-become-a-saint-i79986/

or at Amazon - https://www.amazon.com/Practical-Theology-Spiritual-Direction-Aquinas/dp/1586179683/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3FJGW0G4LYK2X&dchild=1&keywords=practical+theology+peter+kreeft&qid=1610326011&sprefix=practical+theology+peter+%2Caps%2C142&sr=8-1

Thanks to Andrew for volunteering to facilitate our April meeting.

Thanks to Steve S for facilitating our February meeting!

Email lshadowen@aol.com to volunteer to facilitate a meeting!

Lenten Shrine Pilgrimage—March 5


I have reserved Saturday, March 5 for our Shrine trip this year. Details are still being worked out, but the general itinerary will be the same one you are familiar with from years past ( tour, Confessions available, Mass, private prayer/bookstore, Stations of the Cross).

Since we are dealing with ever changing District of Columbia COVID-19 regulations, we will need to decide as we get closer to the trip about lunch at The Dubliner ( I’m fully aware that is probably the reason some of you go on the trip, so I’m hopeful).

We will plan to depart by carpool again if folks are comfortable with that approach. You are of course welcome to meet us up there, people have done that in the past as well. I’m also planning to invite the Men of St. Joseph from St. Edward’s, who have joined us in the past.

Departure will be at 6:30 a.m., from the front parking lot @ St. Bridget, hoping to arrive with time to spare before the 9:00 a.m. tour. The cafeteria is currently closed, so bring your own coffee. We try to get back in time for the Vigil Mass on Saturday, but we are usually cutting it pretty close. Of course, that will depend on whether we have lunch up in DC or not and traffic conditions.

If you want to go on the pilgrimage, please email me at ckoz654@aol.com and include your mobile phone contact info. Also, let me know if you want to be a driver and, if so, how many people you can fit comfortably in your vehicle.

Have a great weekend and don’t forget the food drive this Saturday morning!

Mike K.

Defending Life Day-Feb. 9th

Email from Mike:

Please see below for the group. Thanks!

Please see below if you are interested in participating in Defend Life Day. If you do sign up, also let our St. Bridget social concerns minister, Jeannie G know of your interest.

Thanks for your consideration.

Mike K.

We are in our final push to get individuals signed up for Defending Life Day on February 9th! We have a large number of individuals coming from the Diocese of Arlington and are hoping to have a great turnout from our Diocese, as well!


If you or anyone you know is interested, please sign up at: https://vaprolifeday.org/.


Because this day is focused on advocacy, it is important that people sign up ahead of time so we can match them with their appropriate district and district captain in advance. A schedule of the day can also be found on the webpage. We are also still in need of district captains!


Here are some great videos promoting the day, as well!

https://youtu.be/KxSFHXR4IOw (Spanish) 

https://youtu.be/6dmWhdlt4kQ (English)


Thank you for all you do!

February Meeting - Saturday February 5, 7:00 am

Our February Saturday meeting will be Saturday, February 5, at 7:00 am, in the parish hall (basement).

We will start at 7:00 AM and finish by 7:55 AM so guys can attend Mass at 8:00 AM

The following will be our points for discussion from Practical Theology by Peter Kreeft..

Point 165 Order and Hierarchy of Love in Heaven.

Order of charity is derived from nature; therefore, this order of charity will endure in heaven.

“We will maintain these differences in Heaven, both objective (lovability, goodness) and subjective (personal passion).”

Discussion: Expression of love during our spiritual journey and the continuation uniqueness of our love in heaven.

“Everyone will be the very best at one thing: being his or her unique self, a goal no one else can ever achieve.”

Points 157 thru 164    Order of charity in our lives:

Self                  Point 158 Loving Your Body               Point 160 Self Love

Spouse            Point 164 Love of Spouse Compared with Love of Self

Children          Point 163 Love of Parents Compared with Love of Children


Friends            Point 166 Loving of Enemies vs. Loving Friends

Good men more than bad men          Point 159 Loving Sinners, Hating Sin

Point 161 How to Love Enemies

Point 162 Love’s Two Dimensions

Discussion: a) reflections on love in our relationships, b) sharing thoughts on any different perspectives – new insights.

Points 167 The Secret of Joy and 168 The Fullness of Joy

“A twofold joy in God arises from charity. One, the more excellent, is proper to charity (alone), and with this joy we rejoice in the divine good considered in itself.”

“The other is the joy of charity whereby we rejoice in the divine good as participated by us.”

Discussion: The principle – that love of neighbor multiplies sorrows as well as joys.

“Yet … this perfectly full joy is not taken into man but, on the contrary, man enters into it, according to Matthew 25:21: Enter into the joy of thy Lord…”

“Each one’s joy will be full with regard to himself because his desire will be fully set at rest. Yet one’s joy will be greater than another’s on account of a fuller participation of the divine happiness.”

Discussion: a) God, is infinite and inexhaustible, while our appreciation of enjoyment is finite, b) in heaven enjoyment will be constantly new.

Points 169 Peace and 170 Virtue and Peace.

“Thus, peace is the unity (1) between ourselves and God, (2) within ourselves, and (3) between ourselves and others.”

“Love is the essential act of the will. Only love (charity) can effect these three unions.”

Discussion: a) What is peace and b) how do we attain it?

“Heavenly peace is the only thing in human life that is never boring, even in eternity, because this peace is caused by love, the true love of charity; and that love, even in this life, is the only thing that never gets boring.”

 You can purchase the book at:

The Catholic Company - https://www.catholiccompany.com/practical-theology-350-ways-your-mind-can-help-you-become-a-saint-i79986/

or at Amazon - https://www.amazon.com/Practical-Theology-Spiritual-Direction-Aquinas/dp/1586179683/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3FJGW0G4LYK2X&dchild=1&keywords=practical+theology+peter+kreeft&qid=1610326011&sprefix=practical+theology+peter+%2Caps%2C142&sr=8-1

Thanks to Steve S for volunteering to facilitate our February meeting.

Thanks to Steve G for facilitating our January meeting!

Email lshadowen@aol.com to volunteer to facilitate a meeting!

Evening of Recollection Schedule

The EOR schedule for the remainder of the year.  Note that in February and March the EOR is on the 2nd Tuesday of the month.

 Feb. 9 (2nd Wed. because of trip to Charlotte the week before)

 March 9; April 6; May 4, June 1, July 6, Aug. 3; Aug. 31; Oct. 5; Nov. 2; Nov. 30.

Lenten Shrine Pilgrimage—March 5


I have reserved Saturday, March 5 for our Shrine trip this year. Details are still being worked out, but the general itinerary will be the same one you are familiar with from years past ( tour, Confessions available, Mass, private prayer/bookstore, Stations of the Cross).

Since we are dealing with ever changing District of Columbia COVID-19 regulations, we will need to decide as we get closer to the trip about lunch at The Dubliner ( I’m fully aware that is probably the reason some of you go on the trip, so I’m hopeful).

We will plan to depart by carpool again if folks are comfortable with that approach. You are of course welcome to meet us up there, people have done that in the past as well. I’m also planning to invite the Men of St. Joseph from St. Edward’s, who have joined us in the past.

Departure will be at 6:30 a.m., from the front parking lot @ St. Bridget, hoping to arrive with time to spare before the 9:00 a.m. tour. The cafeteria is currently closed, so bring your own coffee. We try to get back in time for the Vigil Mass on Saturday, but we are usually cutting it pretty close. Of course, that will depend on whether we have lunch up in DC or not and traffic conditions.

If you want to go on the pilgrimage, please email me at ckoz654@aol.com and include your mobile phone contact info. Also, let me know if you want to be a driver and, if so, how many people you can fit comfortably in your vehicle.

Have a great weekend and don’t forget the food drive this Saturday morning!

Mike K.

February Meeting - Saturday February 5, 7:00 am

Our February Saturday meeting will be Saturday, February 5, at 7:00 am, in the parish hall (basement).

We will start at 7:00 AM and finish by 7:55 AM so guys can attend Mass at 8:00 AM

The following will be our points for discussion from Practical Theology by Peter Kreeft..

Point 165 Order and Hierarchy of Love in Heaven.

Order of charity is derived from nature; therefore, this order of charity will endure in heaven.

“We will maintain these differences in Heaven, both objective (lovability, goodness) and subjective (personal passion).”

Discussion: Expression of love during our spiritual journey and the continuation uniqueness of our love in heaven.

“Everyone will be the very best at one thing: being his or her unique self, a goal no one else can ever achieve.”

Points 157 thru 164    Order of charity in our lives:

Self                  Point 158 Loving Your Body               Point 160 Self Love

Spouse            Point 164 Love of Spouse Compared with Love of Self

Children          Point 163 Love of Parents Compared with Love of Children


Friends            Point 166 Loving of Enemies vs. Loving Friends

Good men more than bad men          Point 159 Loving Sinners, Hating Sin

Point 161 How to Love Enemies

Point 162 Love’s Two Dimensions

Discussion: a) reflections on love in our relationships, b) sharing thoughts on any different perspectives – new insights.

Points 167 The Secret of Joy and 168 The Fullness of Joy

“A twofold joy in God arises from charity. One, the more excellent, is proper to charity (alone), and with this joy we rejoice in the divine good considered in itself.”

“The other is the joy of charity whereby we rejoice in the divine good as participated by us.”

Discussion: The principle – that love of neighbor multiplies sorrows as well as joys.

“Yet … this perfectly full joy is not taken into man but, on the contrary, man enters into it, according to Matthew 25:21: Enter into the joy of thy Lord…”

“Each one’s joy will be full with regard to himself because his desire will be fully set at rest. Yet one’s joy will be greater than another’s on account of a fuller participation of the divine happiness.”

Discussion: a) God, is infinite and inexhaustible, while our appreciation of enjoyment is finite, b) in heaven enjoyment will be constantly new.

Points 169 Peace and 170 Virtue and Peace.

“Thus, peace is the unity (1) between ourselves and God, (2) within ourselves, and (3) between ourselves and others.”

“Love is the essential act of the will. Only love (charity) can effect these three unions.”

Discussion: a) What is peace and b) how do we attain it?

“Heavenly peace is the only thing in human life that is never boring, even in eternity, because this peace is caused by love, the true love of charity; and that love, even in this life, is the only thing that never gets boring.”

 You can purchase the book at:

The Catholic Company - https://www.catholiccompany.com/practical-theology-350-ways-your-mind-can-help-you-become-a-saint-i79986/

or at Amazon - https://www.amazon.com/Practical-Theology-Spiritual-Direction-Aquinas/dp/1586179683/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3FJGW0G4LYK2X&dchild=1&keywords=practical+theology+peter+kreeft&qid=1610326011&sprefix=practical+theology+peter+%2Caps%2C142&sr=8-1

Thanks to Steve S for volunteering to facilitate our February meeting.

Thanks to Steve G for facilitating our January meeting!

Email lshadowen@aol.com to volunteer to facilitate a meeting!

Our Next Food Drive on Saturday, January 29th is for Commonwealth Catholic Charities

Email from John M. :

Hello Friends and Parishioners,

 First, thank you for your wonderful support to make these food drives so successful each month!  

Would you please help promote the upcoming Food Drive with your parish groups, teams, and families and friends?  There are two requests:

  1. The Food Drive this month will benefit the food pantry at the CCC and is on Saturday, January 29th.

  2. We are asking parishioners as well to consider donating school supplies for children at Blackwell School. Please see the details in the flyer below.

 Ways to help:

  1. Buy food and/or gift cards to contribute at the food drive

  2. Consider donating school supplies.

  3. Send the attached PDF to your family and friends

  4. Forward this email with your message to others with the image of the flyer (below)

  5. Ask your contacts to send the flyer or image on to others

A pdf is attached and also embedded below.

Thanks for helping get the word out about the food drive and the request for school supplies for Blackwell School!  Let’s make this the biggest food drive yet!

Thank you very much

February Meeting - Saturday February 5, 7:00 am

Our February Saturday meeting will be Saturday, February 5, at 7:00 am, in the parish hall (basement).

We will start at 7:00 AM and finish by 7:55 AM so guys can attend Mass at 8:00 AM

The following will be our points for discussion from Practical Theology by Peter Kreeft..

Point 165 Order and Hierarchy of Love in Heaven.

Order of charity is derived from nature; therefore, this order of charity will endure in heaven.

“We will maintain these differences in Heaven, both objective (lovability, goodness) and subjective (personal passion).”

Discussion: Expression of love during our spiritual journey and the continuation uniqueness of our love in heaven.

“Everyone will be the very best at one thing: being his or her unique self, a goal no one else can ever achieve.”

Points 157 thru 164    Order of charity in our lives:

Self                  Point 158 Loving Your Body               Point 160 Self Love

Spouse            Point 164 Love of Spouse Compared with Love of Self

Children          Point 163 Love of Parents Compared with Love of Children


Friends            Point 166 Loving of Enemies vs. Loving Friends

Good men more than bad men          Point 159 Loving Sinners, Hating Sin

Point 161 How to Love Enemies

Point 162 Love’s Two Dimensions

Discussion: a) reflections on love in our relationships, b) sharing thoughts on any different perspectives – new insights.

Points 167 The Secret of Joy and 168 The Fullness of Joy

“A twofold joy in God arises from charity. One, the more excellent, is proper to charity (alone), and with this joy we rejoice in the divine good considered in itself.”

“The other is the joy of charity whereby we rejoice in the divine good as participated by us.”

Discussion: The principle – that love of neighbor multiplies sorrows as well as joys.

“Yet … this perfectly full joy is not taken into man but, on the contrary, man enters into it, according to Matthew 25:21: Enter into the joy of thy Lord…”

“Each one’s joy will be full with regard to himself because his desire will be fully set at rest. Yet one’s joy will be greater than another’s on account of a fuller participation of the divine happiness.”

Discussion: a) God, is infinite and inexhaustible, while our appreciation of enjoyment is finite, b) in heaven enjoyment will be constantly new.

Points 169 Peace and 170 Virtue and Peace.

“Thus, peace is the unity (1) between ourselves and God, (2) within ourselves, and (3) between ourselves and others.”

“Love is the essential act of the will. Only love (charity) can effect these three unions.”

Discussion: a) What is peace and b) how do we attain it?

“Heavenly peace is the only thing in human life that is never boring, even in eternity, because this peace is caused by love, the true love of charity; and that love, even in this life, is the only thing that never gets boring.”

 You can purchase the book at:

The Catholic Company - https://www.catholiccompany.com/practical-theology-350-ways-your-mind-can-help-you-become-a-saint-i79986/

or at Amazon - https://www.amazon.com/Practical-Theology-Spiritual-Direction-Aquinas/dp/1586179683/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3FJGW0G4LYK2X&dchild=1&keywords=practical+theology+peter+kreeft&qid=1610326011&sprefix=practical+theology+peter+%2Caps%2C142&sr=8-1

Thanks to Steve S for volunteering to facilitate our February meeting.

Thanks to Steve G for facilitating our January meeting!

Email lshadowen@aol.com to volunteer to facilitate a meeting!

February Meeting - Saturday February 5, 7:00 am

Our February Saturday meeting will be Saturday, February 5, at 7:00 am, in the parish hall (basement).

We will start at 7:00 AM and finish by 7:55 AM so guys can attend Mass at 8:00 AM

The following will be our points for discussion from Practical Theology by Peter Kreeft..

Point 165 Order and Hierarchy of Love in Heaven.

Order of charity is derived from nature; therefore, this order of charity will endure in heaven.

“We will maintain these differences in Heaven, both objective (lovability, goodness) and subjective (personal passion).”

Discussion: Expression of love during our spiritual journey and the continuation uniqueness of our love in heaven.

“Everyone will be the very best at one thing: being his or her unique self, a goal no one else can ever achieve.”

Points 157 thru 164    Order of charity in our lives:

Self                  Point 158 Loving Your Body               Point 160 Self Love

Spouse            Point 164 Love of Spouse Compared with Love of Self

Children          Point 163 Love of Parents Compared with Love of Children


Friends            Point 166 Loving of Enemies vs. Loving Friends

Good men more than bad men          Point 159 Loving Sinners, Hating Sin

Point 161 How to Love Enemies

Point 162 Love’s Two Dimensions

Discussion: a) reflections on love in our relationships, b) sharing thoughts on any different perspectives – new insights.

Points 167 The Secret of Joy and 168 The Fullness of Joy

“A twofold joy in God arises from charity. One, the more excellent, is proper to charity (alone), and with this joy we rejoice in the divine good considered in itself.”

“The other is the joy of charity whereby we rejoice in the divine good as participated by us.”

Discussion: The principle – that love of neighbor multiplies sorrows as well as joys.

“Yet … this perfectly full joy is not taken into man but, on the contrary, man enters into it, according to Matthew 25:21: Enter into the joy of thy Lord…”

“Each one’s joy will be full with regard to himself because his desire will be fully set at rest. Yet one’s joy will be greater than another’s on account of a fuller participation of the divine happiness.”

Discussion: a) God, is infinite and inexhaustible, while our appreciation of enjoyment is finite, b) in heaven enjoyment will be constantly new.

Points 169 Peace and 170 Virtue and Peace.

“Thus, peace is the unity (1) between ourselves and God, (2) within ourselves, and (3) between ourselves and others.”

“Love is the essential act of the will. Only love (charity) can effect these three unions.”

Discussion: a) What is peace and b) how do we attain it?

“Heavenly peace is the only thing in human life that is never boring, even in eternity, because this peace is caused by love, the true love of charity; and that love, even in this life, is the only thing that never gets boring.”

 You can purchase the book at:

The Catholic Company - https://www.catholiccompany.com/practical-theology-350-ways-your-mind-can-help-you-become-a-saint-i79986/

or at Amazon - https://www.amazon.com/Practical-Theology-Spiritual-Direction-Aquinas/dp/1586179683/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3FJGW0G4LYK2X&dchild=1&keywords=practical+theology+peter+kreeft&qid=1610326011&sprefix=practical+theology+peter+%2Caps%2C142&sr=8-1

Thanks to Steve S for volunteering to facilitate our February meeting.

Thanks to Steve G for facilitating our January meeting!

Email lshadowen@aol.com to volunteer to facilitate a meeting!