The mission of the Saint Bridget Men’s Ministry is to “build a stronger relationship with Christ and a deeper love for family and friends through spiritual growth and Christian fellowship.”
Since the Fall of 1998, the Saint Bridget Men’s Ministry of Faith & Fellowship has conducted monthly meetings and a myriad of spiritual and social events for the men of Saint Bridget Catholic Church.
Our mainstay activity is our monthly Saturday meetings, which are typically on the first Saturday of the month but we usually move to the next Saturday for holiday weekends. The meetings start with coffee and social time at 6:45 am and we formally start at 7:00 am. It's early, but we've found that there are few conflicts at that hour! We meet in the Parish Meeting Room off the commons - its pretty easy to find us - no one else is around at that time of day! We wrap up by 7:55 am, so guys can go to 8:00 am Mass if they want to. One of the guys facilitates a discussion of the weekend's Scripture readings and a faith resource.
In addition to our Saturday meetings, we have a number of social functions each year, including an Octoberfest (guys, beers, brats) in the fall, and a Christmas pot-luck dinner party (spouses/significant others invited). In the spring a bunch of guys will take a day trip to the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in DC, with a stop at the Irish Times, a popular pub, on the way home.
Over the years, we've done a number of other functions, like a marriage vow renewal Mass and dinner and Stations of the Cross. Generally, if someone wants to do something and enough people are interested, it ends up happening.
With Allen Bean's terrific guidance, we formed a men’s choir in 2005 formally known as "The Gentlemen of St. Bridget".
Check out the calendar events and join us!