St. Bridget Men's Ministry March Meeting - Saturday March 1, 2025
Our March meeting will be Saturday March 1, 2025 at 6:45 am, in the meeting room off the commons.
Our meeting will start at 6:45 AM and finish by 7:55 AM so guys can attend 8:00 am Mass
We will continue our discussion of
Men of the Word - The Good News - A Bible Study for Men Chapter 11
Books are available at the meeting.
The Monsignor Francis Byrne Council 5476 at St Bridget has graciously provided the books! Thanks Doug and Mike!
Remember to bring your Bible!
Email to volunteer to facilitate our March meeting!
Thanks to Mike K for facilitating our January r meeting!
After we finish Men of the Word, we will discuss
Doctors of the Church by Pope Benedict XVI
Email to volunteer to facilitate a meeting!
SBMMFF February Meeting - Saturday February 1, 2025
Our February meeting will be Saturday February 1, 2025 at 6:45 am, in the meeting room off the commons.
Our meeting will start at 6:45 AM and finish by 7:55 AM so guys can attend 8:00 am Mass
We will continue our discussion of
Men of the Word - The Good News - A Bible Study for Men Chapter 10
Books are available at the meeting.
The Monsignor Francis Byrne Council 5476 at St Bridget has graciously provided the books! Thanks Doug and Mike!
Remember to bring your Bible!
Email to volunteer to facilitate our February meeting!
Thanks to Mike K for facilitating our January r meeting!
After we finish Men of the Word, we will discuss
Doctors of the Church by Pope Benedict XVI
Email to volunteer to facilitate a meeting!
Respect Life Holy Hour—January 21/March for Life—January 24
Emails from Mike K:
We are a go for the Respect Life Holy Hour on January 21 from 5:30-6:30 p.m. at St. Bridget. This will take place at our usual Tuesday Adoration and Benediction time, with some added prayers, etc., and Confessions will remain available.
I encourage all and their families to attend. I also encourage all and their families to take advantage of our Knights of Columbus bus transportation to the Mall in DC for the National March for Life on January 24. Again, if you haven’t already, please email me ( and Darius ( with the number of seats you need reserved n the bus as soon as you can.
Please feel free to let me know if you have any questions. Thanks for your prayerful consideration.
As you may have seen n the Bulletin, this year’s National March for Life is scheduled for January 24th in Washington, DC. Our witness is more important than ever in the post-Dobbs era!
Please email me ( and Darius ( with how many seats you need reserved, and also please include your mobile phone contact info. and where you plan to board the bus.
The pick-up points are as follows:
7:30 a.m. St. Edward’s
8:00 a.m. St. Bridget ( Middle School Access Road parking lot)
8:30 a.m. Columbian Center on Pump Rd.
We are usually back in Richmond around 6:00 p.m. ( depending on traffic). Plan to bring your own food and drink and please check the weather forecast and dress appropriately.
Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks for your consideration and Happy New Year,
Mike K
Respect Life Holy Hour—January 21/March for Life—January 24
Emails from Mike K:
We are a go for the Respect Life Holy Hour on January 21 from 5:30-6:30 p.m. at St. Bridget. This will take place at our usual Tuesday Adoration and Benediction time, with some added prayers, etc., and Confessions will remain available.
I encourage all and their families to attend. I also encourage all and their families to take advantage of our Knights of Columbus bus transportation to the Mall in DC for the National March for Life on January 24. Again, if you haven’t already, please email me ( and Darius ( with the number of seats you need reserved n the bus as soon as you can.
Please feel free to let me know if you have any questions. Thanks for your prayerful consideration.
As you may have seen n the Bulletin, this year’s National March for Life is scheduled for January 24th in Washington, DC. Our witness is more important than ever in the post-Dobbs era!
Please email me ( and Darius ( with how many seats you need reserved, and also please include your mobile phone contact info. and where you plan to board the bus.
The pick-up points are as follows:
7:30 a.m. St. Edward’s
8:00 a.m. St. Bridget ( Middle School Access Road parking lot)
8:30 a.m. Columbian Center on Pump Rd.
We are usually back in Richmond around 6:00 p.m. ( depending on traffic). Plan to bring your own food and drink and please check the weather forecast and dress appropriately.
Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks for your consideration and Happy New Year,
Mike K
January Meeting - Saturday January 4, 2025
January Meeting - Saturday January 4, 2025
Start the New Year off right!
Join our first meeting of the year, Saturday January 4, 2025 at 6:45 am, in the meeting room off the commons.
Our meeting will start at 6:45 AM and finish by 7:55 AM so guys can attend 8:00 am Mass
We will continue our discussion of
Men of the Word - The Good News - A Bible Study for Men Chapter 9
Books are available at the meeting.
The Monsignor Francis Byrne Council 5476 at St Bridget has graciously provided the books! Thanks Doug and Mike!
Remember to bring your Bible!
Email to volunteer to facilitate our January meeting!
Thanks to Mike K for hosting and facilitating our December meeting!
After we finish Men of the Word, we will discuss
Doctors of the Church by Pope Benedict XVI
Email to volunteer to facilitate a meeting!
26th (!) Annual SBMMFF/KOC Christmas Party - Saturday, December 14
26th (!) Annual SBMMFF/KOC Christmas Party - Saturday, December 14
WHO: SBMMFF/KOC participants and spouses/significant others
WHAT: 26th (!) Annual Pot-luck Christmas Party
WHERE: Special thanks to Leon and Laurie for hosting the dinner this year at their home, 13 Willway Ave, Richmond, VA 23226
WHEN: Saturday, 12/14 6:30 - 9:00 pm
WHY: Back by popular demand!!
WHAT YOU MUST DO: Email if you are coming and what dish you will bring (main dish, side dish or dessert). Remember we're a hungry crowd!! Please try to bring dishes that do not need to be heated. Thanks!
Remember, please try to bring "hungry-man" portions!!
December Meeting - Saturday December 7, 2024
December Meeting - Saturday December 7, 2024
Our December meeting will be Saturday, December 7, 2024 at 6:45 am, in the meeting room off the commons.
Our meeting will start at 6:45 AM and finish by 7:55 AM so guys can attend 8:00 am Mass
We will continue our discussion of
Men of the Word - The Good News - A Bible Study for Men Chapter 8
Books are available at the meeting.
The Monsignor Francis Byrne Council 5476 at St Bridget has graciously provided the books! Thanks Doug and Mike!
Remember to bring your Bible!
Email to volunteer to facilitate our December meeting!
Thanks to Steve G for facilitating our November meeting!
After we finish Men of the Word, we will discuss
Doctors of the Church by Pope Benedict XVI
Email to volunteer to facilitate a meeting!
St. Bridget Men's Ministry - November Meeting - Saturday November 2, 2024
Our November meeting will be Saturday, November 2, 2024 at 6:45 am, in the meeting room off the commons.
Our meeting will start at 6:45 AM and finish by 7:55 AM so guys can attend 8:00 am Mass
We will continue our discussion of
Men of the Word - The Good News - A Bible Study for Men Chapter 7
Books are available at the meeting.
The Monsignor Francis Byrne Council 5476 at St Bridget has graciously provided the books! Thanks Doug and Mike!
Remember to bring your Bible!
Thanks to Steve G for volunteering to facilitate our November meeting!
Thanks to Wayne for facilitating our October meeting!
After we finish Men of the Word, we will discuss
Doctors of the Church by Pope Benedict XVI
Email to volunteer to facilitate a meeting!
Catholic Men's Conference at Saint Bridget - Saturday October 19th, 2024
Father Seth will be leading us this Saturday from 8am-1030am at Saint Bridget for a Men's Catholic Conference.
Please join us for Mass and the Rosary at 8am. Rosary will be led by Bob R.
This will be followed by a presentation and discussion on Evangelization led by Father Seth from 9am-1030am.
Coffee and bagels will be provided!
Please spread the word! Evangelize!!
Please rsvp to Frank at - mobile - 8048145607
SBMMFF October Meeting - Saturday October 5, 2024
Our October meeting will be Saturday, October 5, 2024 at 6:45 am, in the meeting room off the commons.
Our meeting will start at 6:45 AM and finish by 7:55 AM so guys can attend 8:00 am Mass
We will continue our discussion of
Men of the Word - The Good News - A Bible Study for Men Chapter 6
Note that Chapter 6 utilizes Lectio Divina - for mor info on Lectio Devina go to:
The books will be available at the meeting,
or email
and we’ll figure out a way to get a book to you before the meeting.
The Monsignor Francis Byrne Council 5476 at St Bridget has graciously agreed to provide the books! Thanks Doug and Mike!
Remember to bring your Bible!
Thanks to Wayne for volunteering to facilitate our October meeting!
After we finish Men of the Word, we will discuss
Doctors of the Church by Pope Benedict XVI
Email to volunteer to facilitate a meeting!
SBMMFF September Meeting - Saturday September 7, 2024
Our September meeting will be Saturday, September 7, 2024 at 6:45 am, in the meeting room off the commons.
Our meeting will start at 6:45 AM and finish by 7:55 AM so guys can attend 8:00 am Mass
We will continue our discussion of
Men of the Word - The Good News - A Bible Study for Men Chapter 5
The books will be available at the meeting,
or email
and we’ll figure out a way to get a book to you before the meeting.
The Monsignor Francis Byrne Council 5476 at St Bridget has graciously agreed to provide the books! Thanks Doug and Mike!
Remember to bring your Bible!
Email to volunteer to facilitate our September meeting!
Thanks to Wayne for facilitating our August meeting!
After we finish Men of the Word, we will discuss
Doctors of the Church by Pope Benedict XVI
Email to volunteer to facilitate a meeting!
SBMMFF August Meeting - Saturday August 3, 2024
Our August meeting will be Saturday, August 3, 2024 at 6:45 am, in the meeting room off the commons.
Our meeting will start at 6:45 AM and finish by 7:55 AM so guys can attend 8:00 am Mass
We will continue our discussion of
Men of the Word - The Good News - A Bible Study for Men Chapter 4
The books will be available at the meeting,
or email
and we’ll figure out a way to get a book to you before the meeting.
The Monsignor Francis Byrne Council 5476 at St Bridget has graciously agreed to provide the books! Thanks Doug and Mike!
Remember to bring your Bible!
Thanks to Wayne for volunteering to facilitate our August meeting!
Thanks to Mike for facilitating our July meeting!
After we finish Men of the Word, we will discuss
Doctors of the Church by Pope Benedict XVI
Email to volunteer to facilitate a meeting!
July St. Bridget Men's Ministry Meeting - Saturday July 13, 2024
Our July meeting will be July 13, 2024 at 6:45 am, in the meeting room off the commons.
Our meeting will start at 6:45 AM and finish by 7:55 AM so guys can attend 8:00 am Mass
Our meeting will continue to serve as the COR program for the Knights of Columbus. We look forward to knights joining us!
We will continue our our discussion of
Men of the Word - The Good News - A Bible Study for Men Chapter 2
The books will be available at the meeting,
or email
and we’ll figure out a way to get a book to you before the meeting.
The Monsignor Francis Byrne Council 5476 at St Bridget has graciously agreed to provide the books! Thanks Doug and Mike!
Remember to bring your Bible!
Thanks to Frank for agreeing to facilitate our July meeting!
Thanks to Martin for facilitating our June meeting!
After we finish Men of the Word, we will discuss
Doctors of the Church by Pope Benedict XVI
Email to volunteer to facilitate a meeting!
St. Bridget Men's Ministry June Meeting - Saturday June 1, 2024
June Meeting - Saturday June 1, 2024
Our June meeting will be June 1, 2024 at 6:45 am, in the meeting room off the commons.
Our meeting will start at 6:45 AM and finish by 7:55 AM so guys can attend 8:00 am Mass
Our meeting will continue to serve as the COR program for the Knights of Columbus. We look forward to knights joining us!
As decided at our May meeting we will begin our discussion of
Men of the Word - The Good News - A Bible Study for Men Chapter 1
The books will be available at the June meeting,
or email
and we’ll figure out a way to get a book to you before the meeting.
Chapter 1 is also available as a preview at
Thanks to Martin for agreeing to facilitate our June meeting!
Thanks to Frank for agreeing to facilitate our July meeting!
After we finish Men of the Word, we will discuss
Doctors of the Church by Pope Benedict XVI
Email to volunteer to facilitate a meeting!
May Meeting - Saturday May 4, 2024
Our May meeting will be May 4, 2024 at 6:45 am, in the meeting room off the commons.
Our meeting will start at 6:45 AM and finish by 7:55 AM so guys can attend 8:00 am Mass
Our meeting will continue to serve as the COR program for the Knights of Columbus. We look forward to knights joining us!
We will continue our discussion of Chapter 3 of
Bishop Robert Barron’s book, This is My Body
St. Bridget has graciously provided the books. They will be available at the April meeting.
We also need to decide what our next topic of discussion will be.
Please bring your ideas or email them to!
Email to volunteer to facilitate our May meeting!
Thanks to Steve G for facilitating our April meeting!
Email to volunteer to facilitate a meeting!
April Meeting - Saturday April 6, 2024
Our April meeting will be Saturday, April 6, 2024 at 6:45 am, in the meeting room off the commons.
Our meeting will start at 6:45 AM and finish by 7:55 AM so guys can attend 8:00 am Mass
Our meeting will continue to serve as the COR program for the Knights of Columbus. We look forward to knights joining us!
We will continue our discussion of Chapter 2 of
Bishop Robert Barron’s book, This is My Body
St. Bridget has graciously provided the books. They will be available at the April meeting.
Thanks to Steve G for volunteering to facilitate our April meeting!
Email to volunteer to facilitate a meeting
March Meeting - Saturday March 2, 2024
Our March meeting will be Saturday, March 2, 2024 at 6:45 am, in the meeting room off the commons.
Our meeting will start at 6:45 AM and finish by 7:55 AM so guys can attend 8:00 am Mass
Our meeting will continue to serve as the COR program for the Knights of Columbus. We look forward to knights joining us!
We will begin our discussion of
Bishop Barron’s book, This is My Body
St. Bridget has graciously provided the books. They will be available at the February meeting.
Need a volunteer to facilitate our March meeting! Email to volunteer!
Thanks to Mike K and Wayne S for facilitating our January meeting!
Email to volunteer to facilitate a meeting!
January Meeting - Saturday January 6, 2024!
Our January meeting will be Saturday, January 6, 2024 at 6:45 am, in the meeting room off the commons.
Our meeting will start at 6:45 AM and finish by 7:55 AM so guys can attend 8:00 am Mass
Our meeting will continue to serve as the COR program for the Knights of Columbus. We look forward to knights joining us!
We will continue our discussion of
Revitalizing Catholicism in America - Nine Tasks for Every Catholic
focusing on Chapter 4, which describes the nine tasks
The book can be purchased on multiple websites
For our February and March meetings as part of St. Bridget’s Eucharistic Revival, we will discuss Bishop Barron’s book, This is My Body. St. Bridget has graciously offered to provide the books.
The books will be available at the January meeting.
Thanks to Mike K and Wayne S for volunteering to facilitate our January meeting.
Thanks to Steve G for facilitating our December meeting!
Email to volunteer to facilitate a meeting!
25th (!) Annual SBMMFF Christmas Party - Friday, December 8
WHO: SBMMFF participants and spouses/significant others
WHAT: 25th (!) Annual Pot-luck Christmas Party
WHERE: Special thanks to Leon and Laurie for hosting the dinner this year at their home, 13 Willway Ave, Richmond, VA 23226
WHEN: Friday, 12/8 6:30 - 9:00 pm
WHY: Back by popular demand!!
WHAT YOU MUST DO: Email if you are coming and what dish you will bring (main dish, side dish or dessert). Remember we're a hungry crowd!! Please try to bring dishes that do not need to be heated. Thanks!
Remember, please try to bring "hungry-man" portions!!
December Meeting - Saturday December 2
Our December meeting will be Saturday, December 2 at 6:45 am, in the meeting room off the commons.
As we discussed at our October meeting, our meetings will start at 6:45 AM and finish by 7:55 AM so guys can attend 8:00 am Mass
Also as we discuss in October, our meetings will serve as the COR program for the Knights of Columbus. We look forward to knights joining us!
We will continue our discussion of
Revitalizing Catholicism in America - Nine Tasks for Every Catholic
The book can be purchased on multiple websites
Thanks to Steve G for volunteering to facilitate our December meeting.
Thanks to Paul F for facilitating our November meeting!
Email to volunteer to facilitate a meeting!
November Meeting - Saturday November 4
Our November meeting will be Saturday, November 4, at 6:45 am, in the meeting room off the commons.
As we discussed at our October meeting, starting in November, our meetings will start at 6:45 AM and finish by 7:55 AM so guys can attend 8:00 am Mass
Also as we discuss in October, our meetings will serve as the COR program for the Knights of Columbus. We look forward to knights joining us!
We will continue our discussion of
Revitalizing Catholicism in America - Nine Tasks for Every Catholic
The book can be purchased on multiple websites
Thanks to Paul F for volunteering to facilitate our November meeting.
Thanks to Mike K for facilitating our October meeting!
Oktoberfest 2023! - Sunday, 10/29 at 2:00 pm - Join In!
Get Ready! It’s time to Oktoberfest!
We’ll be at Doug’s home again this year – thanks to Doug and Shellie!
Hope you can join in this year! The link below is live to register and pay in advance.
See you there!
Fritz aka John M
St. Bridget Men's Ministry October Meeting - Saturday October 7
Our October meeting will be Saturday, October 7, at 7:00 am, in the meeting room off the commons.
The meeting will start at 7:00 AM and finish by 7:55 AM so guys can attend 8:00 am Mass
We will begin our discussion of
Revitalizing Catholicism in America - Nine Tasks for Every Catholic
The book can be purchased on multiple websites
Thanks to Mike K for volunteering to facilitate our October meeting.
Thanks to Frank D for facilitating our September meeting!
Email to volunteer to facilitate a meeting!
SBMMFF September Meeting - Saturday September 9
Our September meeting will be Saturday, September 9, at 7:00 am, in the meeting room off the commons.
The meeting will start at 7:00 AM and finish by 7:55 AM so guys can attend 8:00 am Mass
We will wrap up our discussion of the The Virtues by John H. Garvey focusing on the last section “The Crown of Virtues”
The book can be purchased on multiple websites including
The Catholic University of America Press
We will also decide what we will study next - bring your ideas!
Here are a couple:
Men of the Word: The Good News
This Bible study is geared towards all Catholic men, not just Knights of Columbus, and is conveniently divided into 12 sections. We could also pitch our Saturday morning meetings to the Knights, which might bolster our attendance numbers.
Revitalizing Catholicism in America
Nine Tasks for Every Catholic
Revitalizing Catholicism in America provides nine practical action items every faithful Catholic can undertake - nine steps which, all together, will form the building blocks of a renewed Catholic subculture. No matter what your specific gift or walk of life, you have a role to play in revitalizing Catholicism in America. This book will show you how.
Thanks to Frank D for volunteering to facilitate our September meeting.
Thanks to Steve G for facilitating our August meeting!
Email to volunteer to facilitate a meeting!
August Meeting - Saturday August 5
Our August meeting will be Saturday, August 5, at 7:00 am, in the meeting room off the commons.
The meeting will start at 7:00 AM and finish by 7:55 AM so guys can attend 8:00 am Mass
We will continue our discussion of the The Virtues by John H. Garvey
The book can be purchased on multiple websites including
The Catholic University of America Press
Thanks to Steve G for volunteering to facilitate our August meeting.
Thanks to Steve S for facilitating our July meeting!
Email to volunteer to facilitate a meeting!
July Meeting - Saturday July 8
Our July meeting will be Saturday, July 8, at 7:00 am, in the meeting room off the commons.
The meeting will start at 7:00 AM and finish by 7:55 AM so guys can attend 8:00 am Mass
We will continue our discussion of the The Virtues by John H. Garvey
The book can be purchased on multiple websites including
The Catholic University of America Press
Thanks to Steve S for volunteering to facilitate our July meeting.
Thanks to Steve G for facilitating our June meeting!
Email to volunteer to facilitate a meeting!
Saturday March 11 Shrine Lenten Pilgrimage
Saturday, March 11 we’ll make our annual Pilgrimage to Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception.
Tentative Itinerary, everyone participates as they choose:
6:15-6:30 am Depart by carpool from St. Bridget
9:00 - 10:00 am Guided tour of the Shrine
9:30-11:00 am Welcome to witness the ordinations of Dominicans deacons in the Upper Level of the Shrine
10:00-11:15 am Private prayer, Confessions, optional visit to the Saint Pope John Paul II Shrine
11:15 am Private Mass celebrated by Fr. Paul Kkonde (the same priest who joined us last year from St. Edward) in the Immaculate Heart of Mary Chapel on the lower level of the Shrine
11:50 am-12:50 pm Private prayer, Confessions, optional visit to the Saint Pope John Paul II Shrine
12:50 p.m Regroup outside the Crypt Church for those who want to pray the Stations of the Cross
After Stations of the Cross (~1:45 pm) Depart for lunch at the Dubliner
Please email Mike K at if you plan to go.
If you haven’t already volunteered and if you might be able to drive, please let Mike know. Our tradition is that drivers eat lunch gratis, compliments of the various passengers…
March Meeting - Saturday March 4
March Meeting - Saturday March 4
Our March meeting will be Saturday, March 4, at 7:00 am, in the meeting room off the commons.
The meeting will start at 7:00 AM and finish by 7:55 AM so guys can attend 8:00 am Mass
We will be reading/discussing The Spiritual Maxims in The Practice of the Presence of God with Spiritual Maxims by Brother Lawrence.
The book can be purchased on multiple websites. For example, it is available for $2.49 at The Practice of the Presence of God [Baker Books, 1989]: Brother Lawrence: 9780800785994 - (Thanks Steve S!)
Links to pdfs of the reading for our March meeting are
Here - Spiritual Maxims
Here - Character and Thoughts
We will also decide what materials to use for our next meetings. Bring your ideas!
Here are some ideas:
Doctors of the Church—Pope Benedict
Word on Fire new film series Wonder: The Harmony of Faith and Science
Live Not by Lies—Rod Dreher
The Economics of the Parables—Fr. Robert Sirico
The Virtues—John Garvey
Thanks to Steve G for volunteering to facilitate our March meeting.
Thanks to Martin A for facilitating our February meeting!
Email to volunteer to facilitate a meeting!