Email from Mike K:
By now you should have received the sign-up genius for the national March for Life in Washington, DC on January 19. Our work began anew after the Dobbs decision. As evidenced by the recent electoral and referendum victories of the pro-abortion forces, it is still crucial to witness to the pro-life cause at the macro level to change hearts and minds. For what it’s worth, I think the national March for Life remains an important event to build up a Culture of Life in America. As history teaches us, “evil triumphs when good men do nothing.”
Bus to National March For Life (St. Edward's, St. Bridget's, and Columbian Center on Jan 19
We will also be redoubling our efforts here in Virginia. Our General Assembly intends to begin the process this year to enshrine the “right” to an abortion in our State Constitution. Such a tragedy must be averted. The pro-life cause is a pillar of our Order. Please prayerfully consider what you can do to help.
In addition to the March, below are some more Respect Life events and a special opportunity for spiritual growth during the upcoming Lenten season:
Respect Life Holy Hour @ St Bridget Church. January 16 from 5:30-6:30 p.m. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, prayer, music, scripture readings, and a brief reflection from one of our Deacons. Confessions also available. If for some reason you can’t attend the March, you can help by praying for those who are. If you are going to the March, this is a great way to prepare.
February 21: Virginia Respect Life Day—Richmond Convention Center/ State Capital Rally/Walk for Life. See above.
February 24: Men’s Lenten Pilgrimage to the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. Tour of the Shrine. Optional side trip—praying of the Rosary @ the Dominican House of Studies. Fr. Godfred is coming with us to celebrate a private Mass in the Immaculate Heart of Mary Chapel, followed by Stations of the Cross in the Cyrpt Church. Again, Confessions available. Please email me at to sign-up. We will be carpooling from the front parking lot of St. Bridget at 6:30 a.m. sharp.
Happy New Year,
Mike K.