Email from Burke:
I wanted to let you know that Teresa and I are helping to organize a ministry for married couples who want to grow in their faith together. It is called Teams of Our Lady. The announcement that has been placed in the bulletin of some Richmond parishes is below. I was wondering if you could share it with the St. Bridget men's group in case an of them and their wives might be interested.
Thanks again. I hope you are having a great Advent.
MARRIED COUPLES, are you looking for a way to enrich your marriage spiritually despite a busy and stressful schedule? Teams of Our Lady may be what you are seeking. Teams of Our Lady is a group of 5-7 couples that meets monthly to share their news, prayer, a potluck meal, and reflections on a study topic with a family/marriage/spiritual focus. The couples form a unit that is supportive and caring, where ideas are exchanged and thoughts are challenged. In addition to the meetings, there are opportunities for a yearly retreat and couple/family prayer. Visit for more information. To attend an upcoming information meeting, contact Lou and Sandra V at