From Don D. of the Liturgy Committee:
I am reaching out to you as leaders of many of our Parish Life groups in hopes that you might be able to assist the Liturgy Committee with finding volunteers to participate in the Holy Thursday Evening Mass of the Lord's Supper and Transfer of the Most Blessed Sacrament.
Each year we reach out to various groups and organizations to help us recruit volunteers for the Ceremonial Washing of Feet during Mass. I know that many of you may have participated yourselves in this ceremony in past years and you know how important this ceremony is to the Catholic Faith and its significance in the Holy Thursday Mass.
Jesus washed the feet of His disciples at the Last Supper as a sign of the new commandment that Christians should love one another: “such as my love has been for you, so must your love be for one another. This is how all will know you for my disciples; by your love for one another” (John 13, 34-35). For centuries, the church has imitated the Lord in the ceremonial washing of feet on Holy Thursday.
We are hoping that you might be able to identify one or even two people from your group that might be able to join us by participating in the ceremony this year. Children are also welcome, and last year Michael's daughters participated.
The instructions are very simple and we will have coordinators in the Sacristy before Mass to review the instructions. I have also attached a copy of the instruction sheet that might be helpful.
Finally, for any volunteers we are having a rehearsal for Holy Thursday Mass this Saturday March 19th at 1:30 in the Church. This is not mandatory for those having their foot washed, but certainly they are welcome to attend and relieve any anxiety they might have.
Thank you for your assistance and please email Don at if you are interested in participating.