From Frank:
I am asking you to come to a meeting at St Bridget's this Tuesday night at 7pm and hear a presentation by a group that will help us with our evangelization efforts. Geoff Gasperini and Ann Song have been leading the charge with this group.
Link to a video of a parish currently doing this, coincidentally, named St Bridgid, in San Diego.
In a nutshell, it is letting the Holy Spirit move among us through small groups engaged in Scripture study. This group will provide information on how to make it happen, and will walk alongside us as we grow this effort.
Please come and listen. Please put this out to your lists. This is the call that many of you have been listening for (I know it is for me) to deepen your own faith lives, as well as all those around us in our parish that we love and serve, and those in our community that we are called to love and serve.
When you have a few moments, here is Pope Francis talking about this effort - The Harvest is Abundant But the Laborers are Few - Year Of Faith - Homily - Catholic Online
Gateway to Silence: God for us, we call you Father. God alongside us, we call you Jesus. God within us, we call you Holy Spirit.