From John M:
Layman's Terms
November 21st Topic | "Telling the truth about Humanae Vitae"
Layman's Terms is a monthly webinar series hosted for all clergy, lay pastoral leaders, and volunteers to explore a variety of ministry related topics relevant to parish life. This month we pick up again with our "Telling the Truth About..." series. With the 50 year anniversary of the encyclical "Humanae Vitae" coming up next summer, and after celebrating Respect Life Month, we thought it would be a good time to examine the impact this seminal work has had on the Church. We'll also explore the predictions that Pope Paul VI made about the future of our culture as we reflect back over the last 50 years.
Join us for this webinar on Tuesday, November 21st at at the usual time of 2:30pm (as a reminder, they are always the 3rd Tuesday of each month at the same time). It is free to attend but you need to register.