Fellow Parishioner and Fish Fry Volunteer,
Our Annual Parish Lenten Fish Fry is fast approaching – just about a month away on March 24th, 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm.
I am writing to ask again for your help at the Fish Fry by volunteering for one shift during the event. This will leave ample time in the evening to enjoy a great fish dinner and the fellowship of your friends and pew-mates!
Many of you have volunteered for the “Fry” before and enjoyed it. I hope you will assist this year, too! Please ask your spouse to help, too!
For those of you that will be serving for the first time, you will have a lot of fun, you will provide service to your fellow parishioners, and you will help make the evening a grand success! And, Monsignor WANTS YOU TO HELP! Special indulgences and dispensations to all!
Please volunteer for any area in which you are interested by emailing John at jkmcculla@comcast.net.
Thank you for helping in any area at the Fish Fry! I look forward to hearing back from you!