From Darius:
Hello All,
Mike and I signed up St. Bridget to cover 40 Days for Life on Saturday, October 27.
The hours are 7 AM to 7 PM.
I am signed up from 9 AM to 11 AM.
I looked on the website signup and no one else is signed up yet.
Please consider signing up for an hour of prayer.
If you're concerned about being alone, perhaps you can bring a fellow parishioner or friend.
Research prove it makes an impact.
To sign up, go to:
It takes a minute to create an account and then you can sign up for an hour.
Of course, if you just want to show up without signing up, that's fine too, but it's helpful to know what is covered.
The location is the sidewalk in front of:
Planned Parenthood
201 N. Hamilton St.
Richmond, VA 23221
Please feel free to call me if you have any questions. Thanks.
Darius 397-0754
From Mike:
I would just point out that if street ministry is not your particular calling, the 40 Days for Life campaign welcomes prayer commitments not just at the vigil site, but also committing to an hour at Church or home. Also, prayers at the vigil site or otherwise are welcome at anytime during the 40 days of the campaign, which runs through Sunday, November 4 (7 a.m. - 7 p.m. daily). Flyers are placed on the tables at the exits of the Church and information is also contained in this week's Bulletin.
As a reminder perhaps, St. Bridget has Mass followed by a Holy Hour on Saturday mornings beginning with Mass at 8:00 a.m. The Holy Hours, which I believe will run into December, include praying the Rosary, with Adoration continuing until Benediction at about 9:20. The Holy Hour is intended for the healing of the Church and abuse victims.
Peace be with you.