We will meet on the FIRST AND THIRD Saturdays of February, February 2 and 16, beginning at 7:00 a.m. with coffee available at 6:30.
On the FIRST Saturday, February 2, we will view and discuss the first installment of Bishop Robert Barron’s video series “The Mass”. The meeting will be downstairs in the parish hall so we can view the video.
Here is a link to the study guide for the first session:
At the meeting, we’ll decide if we want to order the study guide, which, If we order more than 20 are about $21 a piece.
Here is additional info on the 6 session course:
Here is a quick video introduction to the course:
On the THIRD Saturday, February 16, we’d like to explore St. Francis de Sales (his Feast Day is January 24) and his book The Devout Life, which is accessible online here: https://www.catholicity.com/devoutlife/
We need someone to volunteer to facilitate the discussion.
Thanks to Frank for volunteering to facilitate our FIRST February meeting.
Thanks to Tim for facilitating our THIRD Saturday January meeting.
Thanks to Wayne for moderating our FIRST Saturday January meeting.
Please email lshadowen@aol.com to volunteer to facilitate a meeting.
Coffee starts at 6:30!