We will meet on the FIRST Saturday of May, May 4, in the Parish Center Meeting Room, beginning at 7:00 a.m. with coffee available at 6:30.
We are pleased that Monsignor William H. Carr will be our speaker at our upcoming Meeting. Complementing our focus on The Mass over the past several meetings, Monsignor Carr will speak to The Mass from his perspective of being a celebrant of The Mass for the past 50 years. This will be a wonderful opportunity to further delve into the mystery of The Mass and the gift of The Eucharistic. Monsignor plans to provide a generous period for questions and answers, allowing us to ask some of the pressing questions we have had about The Mass and attending Mass. All men of the parish are invited to attend. Please consider inviting your friends and fellow parishioners to share in this discussion.
Thanks to John M for arranging.
Thanks to Mike and David for facilitating our April FIRST Saturday meeting.
Please email lshadowen@aol.com to volunteer to facilitate a meeting.
Coffee starts at 6:30!