The Saint Bridget New Evangelization Team (NET) invites you to gather on October 27, 2018 from 9:00am – 11:30am in the Church Hall to learn about the Saint Bridget Core Values. You are receiving this invitation because you lead a ministry, group, or activity that adds to the vitality and spirituality of our parish. We ask that you also share this notification with all of the members of your group, so that they, too, can save the date.
The Core Values were developed so that no ministry or activity at the parish will exist “in a vacuum” and that everything we do will be connected in spirit and deed. The objective of this event is for you and your fellow ministry members to understand the Core Values and begin to prayerfully consider how your ministry/activity can integrate and reflect them moving forward. Rich Curran of the Parish Success Group will also be present to encourage us.
We hope and pray that you and your ministry members will make every effort to be present for this gathered event! More to come...!
Yours in Christ,
Deacon VJ