24th(!) Annual SBMMFF Christmas Party - Saturday December 10

WHO:                       SBMMFF participants and spouses/significant others
WHAT:                      24th (!) Annual Christmas Party

WHERE:                   Special thanks to Steve and Betty for hosting the dinner this year at their home, 4912 Lockgreen Circle, Richmond 23226
WHEN:                     Saturday, 12/10  6:00 - 9:00 pm
WHY:                        Back by popular demand!!

WHAT YOU MUST DO:   Email lshadowen@aol.com if you are coming and what you can bring

From Steve: This year we thought we’d make it simpler for folks and not do pot luck but just ask folks to bring easy to handle food (like a cocktail party menu/“finger food”) — we’ll be providing ham biscuits, turkey biscuits and chicken nuggets so if folks could provide things like cheese puffs, sausage balls, fruit and cheese trays, small sandwiches, cookies, brownies, etc. that would be terrific. Thanks!