Asking You to Volunteer at the Annual Parish Fish Fry! Please Respond with Your Choice of Assignment!

From John:

Hello Fellow Parishioners and Fish Fry Volunteers! 

The Annual Parish Fish Fry is just three weeks away on Friday, March 22nd!  Wow – Almost here!

It’s lining up to another great evening!  Good fellowship, good entertainment – the Hullabaloos are back! – and great food and fun!  As you know, the proceeds fund the scholarships provided by the Knights of Columbus to graduating eight graders from St. Bridget School going on to a Catholic High School education!  What a great cause!

 Please plan to come and please invite your family and friends.  You can let us know you will be there by buying your tickets soon!

 AND . . . I hope that you will be able to help by volunteering during the evening.  Your help makes this evening happen! 

 We have several schedules:

-          Help setup from 1pm to 4:30 pm

-          Help at a station from 5:00 pm to 6:30 pm (arrive at 4:30)

-          Help at a station from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm (arrive at 6:00)

-          Help Cleanup from 8:00 pm to 9:30 pm

So please respond to John at right away and let him know where you can assist.  If you just want to tell him when, he’ll assign you a spot where you will be most helpful! 

 Thank you all in advance for coming to the Fry, and for offering your help!!!
