In-Person Meeting Poll Results and Next Steps

Results of our In-Person Meeting Poll:

Those favoring in-person meetings generally: 6

Those favoring in-person meetings if outside and we keep our distance 2

Those favoring in-person meetings and offer virtual for those who prefer virtual 1

Other thoughts/considerations:

Concern for those who have an underlying medical condition that makes them more vulnerable

See if we can use the pavillion at the abbey where they’ve had outside Masses

See if we can use the church hall/basement since its a big space


Based on the above, seems like we should try an in-person outdoor meeting for our August 1 meeting, current weather forecast: Scattered thunderstorms in the morning, then becoming mostly sunny late. High 93F

Please email with opinions/ideas for the venue, which, ideally, is covered in case of inclement weather. Below are some ideas. Always open to other thoughts/considerations as well!

Pavillion at the Abbey - anyone know how to get permission?

St. Bridget parking lot - same question?

Deep Run Park - my recollection is there are shelters there, are parks open to the public?

Thanks for your participation!