March for Life—-January 20

Email From Mike K:

We still have much work to do to change hearts and minds. Could you please forward the following information to our Men’s Ministry group?

As in past years, Tony H. is the person to contact to reserve seats on the bus stopping in front of the St. Bridget Middle School. Darius Y. is the bus captain of the Pump Rd./Columbian Center/ St. Michael’s bus.  I’m traditionally on that bus to help Darius keep track of any St. Bridget folks. 


St John Neumann Bus proceeds to St Bridget Church6006 Three Chopt Road, Richmond, for an 8:15 am pick-up and departs by 8:30 am; contact Tony H. @ 804-339-0267  or to reserve seats. The pick-up point is on the access road in front of the Middle School. 


Columbian Center Bus2324 Pump RoadHenrico, arrives at 7:30 am for pick-up and departs by 7:45 am; then proceeds to St Michael the Archangel Church4491 Springfield Road, Glen Allen, for an 8:15 am pick-up and departs by 8:30 am; contact Darius Y. at 804-397-0754 or


Mike K.