March for Life email from Mike K:
I haven’t seen anything from the parish yet, but here is the information I’ve seen circulating amongst the Men’s Ministry and the Knights of Columbus. I think we still have much work to do to change hearts and minds. Moreover, while the Dobbs decision was a good start, there is still legislation being considered at the national level that we need to oppose ( or support, depending on what is proposed of course). This is my adjusted email list from 2019, so please feel free to forward.
As in past years, Tony H is the person to contact to reserve seats on the bus stopping in front of the St. Bridget Middle School. Darius Y is the bus captain of the Pump Rd./Columbian Center/ St. Michael’s bus.
St John Neumann Bus proceeds to St Bridget Church, 6006 Three Chopt Road, Richmond, for an 8:15 am pick-up and departs by 8:30 am; contact Tony Hackenberg @ 804-339-0267 or to reserve seats. The pick-up point is on the access road in front of the Middle School.
Columbian Center Bus, 2324 Pump Road, Henrico, arrives at 7:30 am for pick-up and departs by 7:45 am; then proceeds to St Michael the Archangel Church, 4491 Springfield Road, Glen Allen, for an 8:15 am pick-up and departs by 8:30 am; contact Darius Yazdgerdi at 804-397-0754 or