ACTION NEEDED - St. Bridget Men's Oktoberfest - Time to Register; Can You Help?

Email from John M:

Hello all,


Now that you’ve banked your vote, please take the time to tap on the link below and register for our Oktoberfest this Sunday! 


Also, I would like to ask for some assistance:


  1. Need two men to pick up tables at St. Bridget on Sunday morning about 10 or 11 am and take them to David Whiteheads home for our use at the Oktoberfest.  John VanderSyde will be in Mother Presentation Hall that morning with the Blood Drive, and will help us get into the storage closet in the MPH.  We could use at least six white banquet tables.  Please help return them, too. 


  1. Need 3 or so men to help before the Oktoberfest to bring tables and chairs down from storage in David Whitehead’s garage.  I suggest arriving at 1:00 pm, cracking a beer, and then helping move the tables and chairs.  After the event, we will not need to put them back up as they will be used by the Whiteheads later.


An early thanks to Doug for setting up a tv for our viewing pleasure.  We’ll be watching whatever games the local stations are offering. 


If you have some firewood, please bring some.  David W. has a burner. 


That’s it, men!  Let me know if you can assist -


And please register so we can be confident we will have a quorum!


. . . Can’t you smell the sizzling brats and warm German potato salad now?


