September Meeting - Saturday September 9

Our September meeting will be Saturday, September 9, at 7:00 am, in the meeting room off the commons.

The meeting will start at 7:00 AM and finish by 7:55 AM so guys can attend 8:00 am Mass

We will wrap up our discussion of the The Virtues by John H. Garvey focusing on the last section “The Crown of Virtues”

The book can be purchased on multiple websites including

The Catholic University of America Press


We will also decide what we will study next - bring your ideas!

Here are a couple:

Men of the Word: The Good News

This Bible study is geared towards all Catholic men, not just Knights of Columbus, and is conveniently divided into 12 sections. We could also pitch our Saturday morning meetings to the Knights, which might bolster our attendance numbers.

Revitalizing Catholicism in America

Nine Tasks for Every Catholic

Revitalizing Catholicism in America provides nine practical action items every faithful Catholic can undertake - nine steps which, all together, will form the building blocks of a renewed Catholic subculture. No matter what your specific gift or walk of life, you have a role to play in revitalizing Catholicism in America. This book will show you how.


Email to volunteer to facilitate our September meeting.

Thanks to Steve G for facilitating our August meeting!

Email to volunteer to facilitate a meeting!