Our January Saturday meeting will be IN PERSON IN THE CHURCH HALL (BASEMENT) at St. Bridget on Saturday, January 9, at 7:00 am.
Bring your own coffee and mask!
The cap has been decreased to 10 in person attendees so we’ll zoom if more guys show up.
The zoom link will be provided.
Wayne will control admission to the meeting and will allow entry once he sees someone in the waiting room.
We’ll also need to provide a list of attendees with phone numbers after the meeting.
As in December, we will continue to wear our masks during our meeting.
NOTE: We will start at 7:00 AM and finish by 7:55 AM so guys can attend Mass at 8:00 AM
We will decide on topics for our 2021 meetings and wrap up our review of The Catholic Gentleman. Please send any ideas for 2021 topics to lshadowen@aol.com or bring to the meeting.
Ideas suggested so far:
Something by Fulton Sheen
Augustine mini-courses
“Into the Breach” from K of C 12 part video series consisting of 12 minute videos or participate in the K of C zoom meetings starting 1/28
Thanks to Paul F facilitating our December meeting!
Email lshadowen@aol.com to volunteer to facilitate a meeting!