Our February Saturday meeting will be IN PERSON IN THE CHURCH HALL (BASEMENT) AND ON ZOOM on Saturday, February 6, at 7:00 am.
The zoom link will be provided.
Please email David at d3whitehead@gmail.com if you plan on attending in person and we’ll let everyone know Friday what the capacity is.
So far we have six in person attendees signed up.
For those that don’t have the Practical Theology book, the free sample download on Amazon has all the material that David will be covering the first session this Saturday.
It can be viewed for free by going to Amazon and downloading a free sample to your Kindle device, tablet or PC.
We’ll need to provide a list of in-person attendees with phone numbers after the meeting.
As always, we will start at 7:00 AM and finish by 7:55 AM so guys can attend Mass at 8:00 AM
As we decided at our January meeting, we will discuss chapters of Practical Theology by Peter Kreeft.
David W has purchased a few copies on behalf of the group, email him at d3whitehead@gmail.com if you’d like to purchase a copy from him or you can purchase your copy at:
The Catholic Company - https://www.catholiccompany.com/practical-theology-350-ways-your-mind-can-help-you-become-a-saint-i79986/
We will touch on the following 1 page chapters:
1.Brief words on Religion
3.Brief words on Saints
5.Brief words on Reality and inadequacy of our innate knowledge of God
6. 10 minutes on the Problem of evil
7.10 min on God’s necessity-“His essence is existence”
8.Brief words on All perfections are in God
9.10 minutes on All that is ,is good
10.brief words on Only 3 kinds of goods
15.Brief words on We, not God are the analogy
17.Human science=the knowledge of God’s art
19.10 minute on Predestination and free will
Thanks to David W for volunteering to facilitate our February meeting!
Email lshadowen@aol.com to volunteer to facilitate a meeting!