March for Life—-January 20

Email From Mike K:

We still have much work to do to change hearts and minds. Could you please forward the following information to our Men’s Ministry group?

As in past years, Tony H. is the person to contact to reserve seats on the bus stopping in front of the St. Bridget Middle School. Darius Y. is the bus captain of the Pump Rd./Columbian Center/ St. Michael’s bus.  I’m traditionally on that bus to help Darius keep track of any St. Bridget folks. 


St John Neumann Bus proceeds to St Bridget Church6006 Three Chopt Road, Richmond, for an 8:15 am pick-up and departs by 8:30 am; contact Tony H. @ 804-339-0267  or to reserve seats. The pick-up point is on the access road in front of the Middle School. 


Columbian Center Bus2324 Pump RoadHenrico, arrives at 7:30 am for pick-up and departs by 7:45 am; then proceeds to St Michael the Archangel Church4491 Springfield Road, Glen Allen, for an 8:15 am pick-up and departs by 8:30 am; contact Darius Y. at 804-397-0754 or


Mike K.

January Meeting - Saturday January 7

Hope everyone had a joyous Christmas and is looking forward to the New Year!

Our January Saturday meeting will be Saturday, January 7, at 7:00 am, in the meeting room off the commons.

The meeting will start at 7:00 AM and finish by 7:55 AM so guys can attend 8:00 am Mass

As decided at our December meeting, the first three months of 2023, we will be reading/discussing The Practice of the Presence of God with Spiritual Maxims by Brother Lawrence.

 The book can be purchased on multiple websites. For example, it is available for $2.49 at The Practice of the Presence of God [Baker Books, 1989]: Brother Lawrence: 9780800785994 - (Thanks Steve S!)

 In addition, here is a link to a pdf document of the first thirty pages, the readings for our Saturday January 7th meeting (Thanks again Steve!)


We also decided that we would re-institute singing a hymn at the beginning of our meetings and also read and briefly discuss the Sunday Mass readings

Thanks to Martin A for volunteering to facilitate our January meeting.

Thanks to Martin A and David W for facilitating our December meeting!

Email to volunteer to facilitate a meeting!

January Meeting - Saturday January 7

Hope everyone had a joyous Christmas and is looking forward to the New Year!

Our January Saturday meeting will be Saturday, January 7, at 7:00 am, in the meeting room off the commons.

The meeting will start at 7:00 AM and finish by 7:55 AM so guys can attend 8:00 am Mass

As decided at our December meeting, the first three months of 2023, we will be reading/discussing The Practice of the Presence of God with Spiritual Maxims by Brother Lawrence.

 The book can be purchased on multiple websites. For example, it is available for $2.49 at The Practice of the Presence of God [Baker Books, 1989]: Brother Lawrence: 9780800785994 - (Thanks Steve S!)

 In addition, here is a link to a pdf document of the first thirty pages, the readings for our Saturday January 7th meeting (Thanks again Steve!)


We also decided that we would re-institute singing a hymn at the beginning of our meetings and also read and briefly discuss the Sunday Mass readings

Thanks to Martin A for volunteering to facilitate our January meeting.

Thanks to Martin A and David W for facilitating our December meeting!

Email to volunteer to facilitate a meeting!

January Meeting - Saturday January 7

Hope everyone had a joyous Christmas and is looking forward to the New Year!

Our January Saturday meeting will be Saturday, January 7, at 7:00 am, in the meeting room off the commons.

The meeting will start at 7:00 AM and finish by 7:55 AM so guys can attend 8:00 am Mass

As decided at our December meeting, the first three months of 2023, we will be reading/discussing The Practice of the Presence of God with Spiritual Maxims by Brother Lawrence.

 The book can be purchased on multiple websites. For example, it is available for $2.49 at The Practice of the Presence of God [Baker Books, 1989]: Brother Lawrence: 9780800785994 - (Thanks Steve S!)

 In addition, here is a link to a pdf document of the first thirty pages, the readings for our Saturday January 7th meeting (Thanks again Steve!)


We also decided that we would re-institute singing a hymn at the beginning of our meetings and also read and briefly discuss the Sunday Mass readings

Thanks to Martin A for volunteering to facilitate our January meeting.

Thanks to Martin A and David W for facilitating our December meeting!

Email to volunteer to facilitate a meeting!

January Meeting - Saturday January 7

Hope everyone had a joyous Christmas and is looking forward to the New Year!

Our January Saturday meeting will be Saturday, January 7, at 7:00 am, in the meeting room off the commons.

The meeting will start at 7:00 AM and finish by 7:55 AM so guys can attend 8:00 am Mass

As decided at our December meeting, the first three months of 2023, we will be reading/discussing The Practice of the Presence of God with Spiritual Maxims by Brother Lawrence.

 The book can be purchased on multiple websites. For example, it is available for $2.49 at The Practice of the Presence of God [Baker Books, 1989]: Brother Lawrence: 9780800785994 - (Thanks Steve S!)

 In addition, here is a link to a pdf document of the first thirty pages, the readings for our Saturday January 7th meeting (Thanks again Steve!)


We also decided that we would re-institute singing a hymn at the beginning of our meetings and also read and briefly discuss the Sunday Mass readings

Thanks to Martin A for volunteering to facilitate our January meeting.

Thanks to Martin A and David W for facilitating our December meeting!

Email to volunteer to facilitate a meeting!

January Meeting - Saturday January 7

Hope everyone had a joyous Christmas and is looking forward to the New Year!

Our January Saturday meeting will be Saturday, January 7, at 7:00 am, in the meeting room off the commons.

The meeting will start at 7:00 AM and finish by 7:55 AM so guys can attend 8:00 am Mass

As decided at our December meeting, the first three months of 2023, we will be reading/discussing The Practice of the Presence of God with Spiritual Maxims by Brother Lawrence.

 The book can be purchased on multiple websites. For example, it is available for $2.49 at The Practice of the Presence of God [Baker Books, 1989]: Brother Lawrence: 9780800785994 - (Thanks Steve S!)

 In addition, here is a link to a pdf document of the first thirty pages, the readings for our Saturday January 7th meeting (Thanks again Steve!)


We also decided that we would re-institute singing a hymn at the beginning of our meetings and also read and briefly discuss the Sunday Mass readings

Thanks to Martin A for volunteering to facilitate our January meeting.

Thanks to Martin A and David W for facilitating our December meeting!

Email to volunteer to facilitate a meeting!

Prayer Request from Steve R

This morning I found out that the surgery I hoped would not be necessary will happen this Wednesday. Hopefully, this will be IT and after nearly 10 months I finally will begin to return to normal. The good news is that the MRI did not reveal infection. Of course, nothing is sure until they get in and do a culture. The it's four weeks in a splint and back on crutches.

If you have the time, please send a prayer request to the group on my behalf. I would greatly appreciate it. It's going to be a challenge and I need all help I can get. :-)

Blessings and Merry Christmas,


24th(!) Annual SBMMFF Christmas Party - Saturday December 10

WHO:                       SBMMFF participants and spouses/significant others
WHAT:                      24th (!) Annual Christmas Party

WHERE:                   Special thanks to Steve and Betty for hosting the dinner this year at their home, 4912 Lockgreen Circle, Richmond 23226
WHEN:                     Saturday, 12/10  6:00 - 9:00 pm
WHY:                        Back by popular demand!!

WHAT YOU MUST DO:   Email if you are coming and what you can bring

From Steve: This year we thought we’d make it simpler for folks and not do pot luck but just ask folks to bring easy to handle food (like a cocktail party menu/“finger food”) — we’ll be providing ham biscuits, turkey biscuits and chicken nuggets so if folks could provide things like cheese puffs, sausage balls, fruit and cheese trays, small sandwiches, cookies, brownies, etc. that would be terrific. Thanks!


24th(!) Annual SBMMFF Christmas Party - Saturday December 10

WHO:                       SBMMFF participants and spouses/significant others
WHAT:                      24th (!) Annual Christmas Party

WHERE:                   Special thanks to Steve and Betty for hosting the dinner this year at their home, 4912 Lockgreen Circle, Richmond 23226
WHEN:                     Saturday, 12/10  6:00 - 9:00 pm
WHY:                        Back by popular demand!!

WHAT YOU MUST DO:   Email if you are coming and what you can bring

From Steve: This year we thought we’d make it simpler for folks and not do pot luck but just ask folks to bring easy to handle food (like a cocktail party menu/“finger food”) — we’ll be providing ham biscuits, turkey biscuits and chicken nuggets so if folks could provide things like cheese puffs, sausage balls, fruit and cheese trays, small sandwiches, cookies, brownies, etc. that would be terrific. Thanks!


24th(!) Annual SBMMFF Christmas Party - Saturday December 10

WHO:                       SBMMFF participants and spouses/significant others
WHAT:                      24th (!) Annual Christmas Party

WHERE:                   Special thanks to Steve and Betty for hosting the dinner this year at their home, 4912 Lockgreen Circle, Richmond 23226
WHEN:                     Saturday, 12/10  6:00 - 9:00 pm
WHY:                        Back by popular demand!!

WHAT YOU MUST DO:   Email if you are coming and what you can bring

From Steve: This year we thought we’d make it simpler for folks and not do pot luck but just ask folks to bring easy to handle food (like a cocktail party menu/“finger food”) — we’ll be providing ham biscuits, turkey biscuits and chicken nuggets so if folks could provide things like cheese puffs, sausage balls, fruit and cheese trays, small sandwiches, cookies, brownies, etc. that would be terrific. Thanks!


Kozak's Korner - Recommended Media/Activities

24th(!) Annual SBMMFF Christmas Party - Saturday December 10

WHO:                       SBMMFF participants and spouses/significant others
WHAT:                      24th (!) Annual Christmas Party

WHERE:                   Special thanks to Steve and Betty for hosting the dinner this year at their home, 4912 Lockgreen Circle, Richmond 23226
WHEN:                     Saturday, 12/10  6:00 - 9:00 pm
WHY:                        Back by popular demand!!

WHAT YOU MUST DO:   Email if you are coming and what you can bring

From Steve: This year we thought we’d make it simpler for folks and not do pot luck but just ask folks to bring easy to handle food (like a cocktail party menu/“finger food”) — we’ll be providing ham biscuits, turkey biscuits and chicken nuggets so if folks could provide things like cheese puffs, sausage balls, fruit and cheese trays, small sandwiches, cookies, brownies, etc. that would be terrific. Thanks!


December Meeting Saturday December 3

Our December Saturday meeting will be Saturday, December 3, at 7:00 am, in the parish hall (basement)

The meeting will start at 7:00 AM and finish by 7:55 AM so guys can attend Mass at 8:00 AM


The following will be our points for discussion from Practical Theology by Peter Kreeft.

Chapters 330-358 and postcript

We will also discuss topics for next year. Bring your ideas!

Thanks to Martin A and David W for volunteering to facilitate our December meeting.

Thanks to Tom R for facilitating our November meeting!

Email to volunteer to facilitate a meeting!

December Meeting Saturday December 3

Our December Saturday meeting will be Saturday, December 3, at 7:00 am, in the parish hall (basement)

The meeting will start at 7:00 AM and finish by 7:55 AM so guys can attend Mass at 8:00 AM


The following will be our points for discussion from Practical Theology by Peter Kreeft.

Chapters 330-358 and postcript

We will also discuss topics for next year. Bring your ideas!

Thanks to Martin A and David W for volunteering to facilitate our December meeting.

Thanks to Tom R for facilitating our November meeting!

Email to volunteer to facilitate a meeting!

24th(!) Annual SBMMFF Christmas Party - Saturday December 10

WHO:                       SBMMFF participants and spouses/significant others
WHAT:                      24th (!) Annual Christmas Party

WHERE:                   Special thanks to Steve and Betty for hosting the dinner this year at their home, 4912 Lockgreen Circle, Richmond 23226
WHEN:                     Saturday, 12/10  6:00 - 9:00 pm
WHY:                        Back by popular demand!!

WHAT YOU MUST DO:   Email if you are coming and what you can bring

From Steve: This year we thought we’d make it simpler for folks and not do pot luck but just ask folks to bring easy to handle food (like a cocktail party menu/“finger food”) — we’ll be providing ham biscuits, turkey biscuits and chicken nuggets so if folks could provide things like cheese puffs, sausage balls, fruit and cheese trays, small sandwiches, cookies, brownies, etc. that would be terrific. Thanks!


December Meeting Saturday December 3

Our December Saturday meeting will be Saturday, December 3, at 7:00 am, in the parish hall (basement)

The meeting will start at 7:00 AM and finish by 7:55 AM so guys can attend Mass at 8:00 AM


The following will be our points for discussion from Practical Theology by Peter Kreeft.

Chapters 330-358 and postcript

We will also discuss topics for next year. Bring your ideas!

Thanks to Martin A for volunteering to facilitate our December meeting.

Thanks to Tom R for facilitating our November meeting!

Email to volunteer to facilitate a meeting!

December Meeting Saturday December 3

Our December Saturday meeting will be Saturday, December 3, at 7:00 am, in the meeting room off the commons.

The meeting will start at 7:00 AM and finish by 7:55 AM so guys can attend Mass at 8:00 AM

The following will be our points for discussion from Practical Theology by Peter Kreeft.

Chapters 330-358 and postcript

We will also discuss topics for next year. Bring your ideas!

Thanks to Martin A for volunteering to facilitate our December meeting.

Thanks to Tom R for facilitating our November meeting!

Email to volunteer to facilitate a meeting!

THANKS FOR Oktoberfest 2022!

Thanks to everyone who made it to Oktoberfest 2022!

A great time was had by all!

Special thanks to

Host Doug Lynch

Chief Festmeister John McCulla

Chief Registrar Ron Campbell

And everyone else who helped make it happen!