Food Drive for St. Peter Church Food Pantry - Saturday, January 30th, 8:30 - Noon

Email from John M

Saint Bridget Friends,

 A very Happy and Healthy New Year to all!

 Our next Food Drive is on Saturday, January 30th for St. Peter Catholic Church Food Pantry. 

 Would you please help get the word out to your parish communities, to School families, to your own family, and to your friends?  Your help has made these food drives very successful.  You have helped feed the needy in our city and our community.  Thank you very much for sending this on to others soon!

 Here is an announcement and the flyer below that you can send on to your family and friends to help promote the Food Drive: 

 Food Drive Announcement

Food Drive for St. Peter Church Food Pantry – January 30th – Please Help Feed the Homeless and the Needy!  -  Fellow parishioners, thank you for your generous donations to the parish food drives being sponsored by the St. Bridget Knights of Columbus.  Our next parish food drive will take place on Saturday, January 30th from 8:45 am to Noon on the parish parking lot.  Food items and gift cards for Kroger and Walmart will be collected for the St. Peter Catholic Church Food Pantry.  Please help fill their food pantry in this time of need!  Visit our parish website and see the parish emails that suggests the food items to donate.  Thank you again for your wonderful generosity!

 Thank you so very much!
