The Saint Bridget Knights of Columbus Council 5476 invites all Catholic men to join us at our monthly "Into the Breach" video series and discussion via ZOOM. The first meeting is scheduled for Thursday, January 28th at 7 p.m. and will last approximately 45 to 60 minutes.
What Will the Series Cover?
In the past two decades, 14 million Catholics nationwide, and one in three Catholic men who have been baptized, have left the faith. In the face of those losses, there is an enormous breach in the battle line of faith that is causing disruptions in the Church and wider society. As men we must enter into that breach. To step into the breach requires every man to have faith and to take action. The "Into the Breach" series challenges men to seek greatness, to be heroically virtuous, and to have a character marked by goodness, truth, strength, and courage.
To Register:
Please contact Sean C, Deputy Grand Knight at (757) 342-1273, or by email at Sean will return to you instructions on how to get logged into Zoom prior to the night of the meeting.